High School

 It literally feels like just a few days ago, I was writing about starting my second semester during senior year, and I am already almost at the end. These past years flew by so quick and each year was filled with such amazing memories.

Freshman year. The first thing that comes to mind when I think back to my freshman year is the first day I officially became a high school. It was during freshman orientation. It had been 15 minutes and I was still struggling to find my first hour classroom. Luckily, a senior saw me struggling and kindly walked me to my class while explaining how fun high school is. I still remember that day like it was yesterday because it was the day I stopped being scared and became excited to see what high school will bring.

Sophomore year was not really that interesting, I guess. This was the year I started getting used to high school and started preparing for the hardest year of high school, 11th grade.

Junior year. Oh boy, this is easy to identify. I was sitting in my econ class during March when my teacher tells us that there is a chance that we might not be in school for a bit because of COVID. Everyone started cheering with happiness and relief. But more than a year later, look at where we are. We just want to go back to school and see our friends. The world changed that month.

Senior year, aka the Zoom year. There was so much that happened this year, but there was still nothing that happened at the same time, if that makes sense. If I had to take away one thing about this year, it would probably be how grateful I am about my life. We all took going to school, going to work, seeing our friends, etc, for granted. However, after suffering a global pandemic, I would give anything to go back to that life.

Right now, all I can hope is that I will go back to that life, or something like that, next year.



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