Racism: The Story

Once upon a time, everyone used to treat black people like they were worth nothing. By everyone, I mean white people. They used to give black people unfair treatment and strip them away from many of their rights. An example is from A Raisin in the Sun, when Walter and his family were asked to not move into a neighborhood full of white people. Just like this, black people were not allowed to go to school with white people, couldn’t go to the same churches (even though they all prayed to Jesus), or even use the same bathrooms. To make sure that black people were shut out of society, white people used rhetorical language: they tried to persuade everyone that black people were the most inferior race in the United States and they should be treated unfairly because that is what they deserve. It was basically like a child trying to convince other children that pink elephants were real, and the effort was worth it. More and more people joined in on thinking that black people were not equal to white people.

But today, that view has completely changed. Everyone is fighting to make sure there is equality in the United States, especially for races considered as minorities. Segregation no longer exists. Kids of all races can go to the same school, neighborhoods are more diverse, and all buildings are open for everyone of all backgrounds. Just by doing this, there is more peace and unity in the country. Yes, there is still racism between individuals, but as a country, we have learned to accept each other for who we are. I think this is the reason we all stand united to this day.


  1. I liked how you compared the before and after views of racism. It obviously still exists today, but our views on it and they way we treat racism have definitely changed!


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