
When I think of beautiful words, I start thinking about words that look beautiful, such as minimum or silhouette, in my opinion. However, this assignment called for a word that sounds beautiful. It took me a while to find a word, but I finally figured it out. Werewolf. Just say it out loud. It sounds beautiful, right? It is kind of random, but the sound of it is just so gentle and calm, especially when you compare it to other words that relate to werewolf, such as wolf or even beast. The "f" in the word puts random stress on the endings. However, the word werewolf sounds calm because of the prefix "were" before it and I like how it just flows out of your mouth.

If I had to relate to this word, I guess my only relation would be the shows I watch. I have finished watching The Vampire Diaries and I am now watching The Originals, and there are werewolves in both these shows. The werewolves are probably one of my favorites characters in both shows.

It is hard to describe what attracts me to this word, but it just does. Like the way the word just rolls outs of your tongue is indescribable. Wolf brings to mind an animal that looks like a dog and is aggressive, but werewolf brings to mind a shape-shifting animal that is also human who are not necessarily bad. It is so hard to explain, but I hope it makes sense!


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