My Last First Day of Second Semester in High School

Finals are now over, and the second semester of senior year has started. These past four years of high school have gone by so quickly. I still remember freshman orientation like it happened yesterday, where I spent more than 20 minutes trying to find my 9 Honors English class before a senior walking by finally helped me find my class, which was the only class behind the auditorium stage (strange place to put an English classroom). Now, I am hearing back from universities and hoping that the school I choose to go to is the one for me. 

High school has been a roller coaster of ups and downs, from meeting people that have now become some of my best friends to the countless breakdowns and sleepless nights because of homework and stress. However, I would not trade any one of those days for something else. I am a different person now than I was during the first day of freshman year. Those days, experiences, and people are what shaped me into who I am. If I am proud of myself today, it is because of them.

It is scary realizing that in just a few months, I will be leaving my home and everything I am familiar with to live in a completely different place with completely new people. I might meet the friends that will stick by me till I die and also choose a career path that will define the rest of my life, but I can also lose the relationships I have right now and I might not even be ready for the challenges that come with college, who knows! However, with this new chapter coming up in just a few months, I can only prepare myself for what is to come and hope for the very best. After all, life does not wait when you push snooze.


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