
Showing posts from October, 2020

The Language of Satire

Satire is a very common genre and literary device used in pieces of literature. In order to bring out satire in a piece, the author usually includes irony, sarcasm, and humor to get his or her point across to the reader. The piece is usually either about a trivial or serious subject that is described with respect in a mocking way.  A painter would include the same elements in his piece of art if he wanted to include satire through colors, setting, or objects and people included in it.  This is the "Follow your dreams, cancelled" drawing by Banksy, the famous anonymous England-based street artist. In this piece, Banksy reaches out to Americans to question their country's ideals and the world around them. This is a satirical piece of art because he brings up an important issue. Including an older, lower-class worker as the painter brings attention to the differences in socioeconomic privileges. He looks worn out and does not seem to be following his own dream. His use of gr

"Thunder" Construction

Do not even get me started about the construction on I-75. As far as I can remember, it has been going on FOR YEARS! I don't know about the other construction locations on I-75, but the bridge above Long Lake Road is just so loud. In all honestly, I am glad that they are fixing up the highway, but I just cannot deal with the constant noise pollution every single day. Remember that one week in August right before school where it rained at 7 A.M. every day? Yeah, well on the days that it did not rain, I was still woken up to "thunder." I would just stack two pillows on my head to cancel out the noise and fall right back asleep, wondering why there was more rain in August than May. However, it wasn't until a few days that I found out that the noise was due to construction. I am telling you, it was louder than the loudest of thunders. You would not believe me until you heard it for yourself. Who knew that they make 500-pound hammers jeesh. I can guarantee you that half of

Fate vs. Free Will

          The Art of Storytelling is a technique often used by authors and writers to emphasize and clarify his or her writing piece. This method uses different elements, such as complex characterization, binary opposites, and catharsis, to create a special effect in the writing and makes the reader think on a deeper level. An easily identifiable element would be the theme, or the underlying meaning of a piece of work. The writer’s goal is the convey very his or her chosen theme throughout the book, either to teach a lesson or entertain readers. Fate versus free will has seemed to be a common idea in advanced books and literary works. This concept not only serves to teach a lesson to the readers but also tends to play a heavy role in the plot of a story.            Fate versus free will can be clearly identified as a major theme in Oedipus Rex (recommended reading) by Sophocles. Right from birth, his life is already determined by his fate. His mother “pierced his ankles and by the ha

The World of Literature

Books. Books mean different things to each one of us. It might be about expressing his or her feelings and making a living for an author or writer. For an English teacher, it might be a way to escape into a completely different realm and go through adventures. And of course, a student would probably consider it a random piece of literature that needs to be analyzed. To me, books are a way for me to relax after hours of cramming in so much work. It helps me have some me time and destress after a very stressful day. My favorite genre is horror, suspense, and thriller. These kinds of books just give me adrenaline rushes that movies don't usually provide they are always so predictable. These books always keep me on the edge of my seat and make me wonder what is going to happen next. Comedy and romance genres can be seen in the form of a movie, so why not try something different while reading? My ideal day for reading would be after a very stressful day. Before bed or after my work, I&#