Freedom to be an Unmarked Woman

Most men have always satisfied the definition of usual or normal in society when it came to looks and clothes, but it has always been different for Women. Women have always been classified into a certain group. They can either be simple, classy, stylish, etc. Basically, society classifies women into types. According to Deborah Tannen in her essay There Is No Unmarked Woman, this is referred to as "unmarked" since they added so many accessories to the "unmarked" style.

 For so long, women have been dressing up in marked styles, and the biggest reason for this can probably be because of society. Society holds high standards for everyone, especially women. Whether they want to or not, women must accept these standards in order to fit in and not be made fun of. Because of this, it might not be possible for a women to be unmarked in our culture today. An unmarked woman might be called simplistic, poor, or even said to have no sense of fashion or style, which can ruin her reputation and hurt her self esteem.

But in my opinion, women should and DO have the freedom to dress in unmarked styles and have unmarked looks. They should live life they want to and not try to make society happy. The goal of life is to be happy and live it to the fullest, but if women spend half of it on worrying about trying to fit in and making other people happy, it won't end on a happy note. Women have the right to live the way they want to, and they should do that.


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