
Showing posts from December, 2019

Racism: The Story

Once upon a time, everyone used to treat black people like they were worth nothing. By everyone, I mean white people. They used to give black people unfair treatment and strip them away from many of their rights.  An example is from  A Raisin in the Sun , when Walter and his family were asked to not move into a neighborhood full of white people. Just like this, black people were not allowed to go to school with white people, couldn’t go to the same churches (even though they all prayed to Jesus), or even use the same bathrooms. To make sure that black people were shut out of society, white people used rhetorical language: they tried to persuade everyone that black people were the most inferior race in the United States and they should be treated unfairly because that is what they deserve. It was basically like a child trying to convince other children that pink elephants were real, and the effort was worth it. More and more people joined in on thinking that black people were not equa

THe Right to Live

Racism has not only existed among individuals but also society as a whole. White people have tried to not associated with people of color for many years. It is still happening today, but it's not as extreme as it used to be. A major separation between white people and colored people were neighborhoods and places to live. There used to be designated places where colored people could buy houses and live in. They either weren't allowed to buy houses in white neighborhoods or it was frowned upon. However, I strongly think that is unfair and unjust. I believe that people should be able to live wherever they want. Families from different cultures and backgrounds travel to the U.S. in order to ensure a better future for themselves and their future generations. But if they are shunned from society, then what even was the point to leave their motherland? If so many people move to the U.S. and earn money for their family "brick by brick" but end up not living the life they w