
Showing posts from March, 2020

Polite Speech

Politeness is defined as the application of good manners and etiquette. This is really important when it comes to communicating in society because it can come with many benefits. An advantage of polite speech is having a good reputation and first impression. People associate goodness with friendliness and politeness. Talking in a literal manner instead of a polite manner can make you look sophisticated and uptight. This will make people in your community think that you are controlling and they might avoid socializing with you, which would be terrible. Being polite also helps you get new friends and also improve your existing relationships. Politely speaking with your friends shows that you care about them and you value your friendship. In return, they will also respect and value you as a friend and will always be there to help you. Politeness can also help you when you move to a new place. People will have a good impression of you, so it will become much easier for you to find new

Types of Radiation

Radiation is energy that travels through waves. High levels of radiation have the "power to damage living cells."They cause damage to your internal organs over time and can even lead to cancer in the future. The three main types of radiation that affect us today are alpha, beta, and gamma.  Alpha radiation is actually an ejected helium nucleus. It is short ranged, so it does not penetrate through matter. This means that it also cannot penetrate through our skin, so it is not considered a threat to humans. However, digesting alpha radiation, most commonly through radon gas, can be very harmful. Even though it can't lead to radiation sickness, it usually leads to lung cancer. Beta radiation, on the other hand, in an ejected electron. It can travel a few feet and can also be penetrating sometimes. This type of radiation also only causes the most harm when digested. Beta radiation is used a lot in medicine. One instance is radioisotopes. These are used to irradiate c

Types of Elopements

A wedding day is a very important day in someone's life. It marks a new beginning with someone new and lifetime of adventures. Most people choose to have a traditional wedding, at the alter with an officiant with friends and family all around. However, others choose to elope. When we think about eloping, we think of it as a negative term, but it doesn't have to be at all. The four types of elopements are such beautiful ways to get married also. The first one is the surprise kind. This is where you spontaneously decide to get married. It is not planned ahead like a normal wedding. It usually happens at a city hall and you can even invite family and friends to be there on your special day.  The you and me & an officiant makes three is the second type, where you and your significant other decide where you want to get married. It can either be by the ocean or in another country, such as Switzerland. All you need is an officiant to make it official. The third kind


Humorists take the role in society of lightening up the mood of everyone around them while also conveying very important messages that people can’t normally say or talk about. Some people think that humorists only humor people, but there are many examples that contradict that.  One example is Hasan Minhaj. Minhaj’s show, Patriot Act, is a “Peabody Award-winning comic [that] explores the modern cultural and political landscape with depth and sincerity.” He uses his comedic and sarcastic voice and humorous jokes to make his audience laugh and make them come out of their serious moods while he talks about many issues, from political to global issues, that the world faces. These issues are sometimes problems that are never talked about,  such as race and religion. Making a decision to talk about them while incorporating humor will make his audience take the topic more seriously, not fall asleep, and pay attention more.  However, humorists also humor their audience for entertainm