
Showing posts from January, 2020

The Color Purple

*SPOILERS AHEAD* Everyone, or at least I, thought that the only hardships African Americans went through in America was slavery. However, it was only after reading the book The Color Purple  by Alice Walker that I discovered that my assumption was totally false. African Americans also went through so many obstacles in their personal lives. One common example is the presence of affairs. Almost everyone in the book was either cheating on someone or cheating with someone. The book never talked about the feelings of the characters when it came to affairs, but what was mentioned was the fact that Celie was not happy when Shug and Albert were spending time together. She wanted the woman she loved, her moral support, and her best friend just for herself and she couldn't bear to see her with someone awful. Celie was also involved in an affair, but it was more of rape and abuse to her. She had to go through the torture of bearing three kids with her father at the age of 14, which