
Showing posts from September, 2019

Why are comics slowly dying off?

I loved reading comics as a little kid, especially Big Nate . They used to crack me up during reading time at school and it was one of my favorite hobbies. They were so popular back then. However, comics have gone down in sales for a few years. Why? Well, when we first think of comics, we think of children. Comic books have tons of pictures and not as much words, so they are really easy for children to read. But young children read at a young age to improve vocabulary and literacy, which won't be met with comics. So instead, parents and teachers choose more advanced books to give to their children in order to help their reading skills. But also. comics books are considered childish. Reading comic books don't make you look more mature, so comic books are usually avoided. Another reasons is cause of preferences. Everyone wants to save as much time as possible in order to do other things. For example, some of the most famous comics are DC and Marvel. Kids love reading them a

Society against Women

Men are more capable of achieving things. They're more superior. They're just better. I don't believe in this, but society does. Society has denied many things for women, one including powerful positions. Women are thought to be more pushy, deceitful, aggressive, and looked at as a "bad girl" when being ambitious, but the same exact traits are looked as a leadership quality when it comes to men. Society also considers a company as a strong one if it has the face of a man. However, research has shown that companies with women in senior positions show a stronger organizational and financial performance. Women are also discriminated when it comes to salary. They get paid less no matter what position they're in, and it's the same reasons again. Women are not considered to be productive or successful in the business field. However, many benefits could result as an act of equal pay, For example, it can bring women out of poverty. By earning the money they

Normal or Egotistic?

I think about myself. You probably think about yourself. Everyone thinks about themselves. So what's the difference? Egotism is a "natural, hard-wired default-setting" that exists in each and every one of us. We think about ourselves and try to do everything we can to benefit ourselves. However, the degree of how egotistical we are is what makes us unique from one another. The easiest way to figure out whether someone is egotistic is when they ONLY think about themselves, either through thoughts, words, or actions. A normal, everyday person will make sure the actions they do will benefit him or her self while also trying not to hurt anyone else, but an egotistical person will make sure that their actions will bring him or her attention. They won't care about the consequences it might bring to other people. Another aspect of egotism is hating to lose. a non-egotistical person might take a lose easily or might be slightly upset about it, but an egotistic pe

What makes a Famous Memorial?

Memorials are u s ed  as a focus for the memory or the commemoration of something, like a historical person or a tra gic event. For war memorials, some memorials make sure that missing soldiers are remembered "along with the accounted-for dead by treating each grave equally." They can either be parks, statues, buildings, or even landmarks. But what exactly makes a memorial? A famous memorial should most importantly have a purpose. The purpose is what defines the memorial and makes it important to people. They also help remember major events and historical figures. For some people, memorials allow them to remember a loved one that died during a war or to learn more about their culture or heritage from the past. For example, the  African Burial Ground is the oldest and largest known excavated burial ground in North America for both free and enslaved Africans. It protects the historic role slavery played in building New York City. African Burial Ground Another import